TempGeniusâ„¢ is the simplest and most affordable commercial monitoring system — with automatic tracking and logging of temperature, humidity and more — providing real time, cost-saving results.
TempGeniusâ„¢ takes readings in real time, fills out the required log forms, and provides alerting, 24 hours a day, whenever critical control points are out of preset ranges.
TempGeniusâ„¢ reduces costs associated with maintaining compliance while eliminating errors, reducing product loss, leveraging existing infrastructure, preserving quality and improving energy efficiency.
TempGeniusâ„¢ monitors temperature, humidity, power, pressure, leaks and floods, proximity, vibration, doors and more and is used in hospitals, restaurants, food processing, dairies, convenience stores, groceries & supermarkets, crime labs, pharmacies, museums, warehouses and other temperature and humidity critical environments.
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